Monday, October 6, 2008

Web Design: The Good and the Bad

THE GOOD is definitely one of my favorites and a great example of good web design. It has a great flash based interface that makes sense, is very intuitive, and very easy to navigate.
Great sound effects, great animations, they pull the whole thing off like selling their 1300 calorie burritos. is a pretty good website too. They've laid it out as simply as possible making it easy to navigate to the information you want. Simple flash menus that guide you to where you want to be, and you don't feel like your brain has just been overloaded by too much information at once. The colors are easy on the eyes, and you know you're on a website for a camera company immediately.

THE BAD is one of my recent least favorites. When you first goto you are given the idea that the following pages will be as simple to navigate and easy on the brain, but when I was researching my design for Australia I navigated into this haven of fraudulent simplicity.
The guise of the website is that it's laid out fairly simply and is easy to navigate, but in reality it's a bombardment of information and links with no real grid or design. There is just too much going on for one page. Your eyes fly around the screen trying to find some place to start looking for the info you want. Drives me nuts.

Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you the worst website...ever.
It's a German "website" that's all types of horrible, and if you don't speak German, don't worry about it, because I'm pretty sure people who do won't know what the hell is going on either. All I can assume is the dog pictured created the website (but I highly doubt it would be this bad if it did).
I don't really need to say anything else except have a paper bag handy.

1 comment:

Joe Bautista said...


your csun mailbox is full.
